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You can also find me here: https://linktr.ee/onnurtilraun

Second attempt at a blog and back up of my old account, ferningur.

Currently reading

Poulets Grillés
Sophie Hénaff
Il cardillo addolorato
Anna Maria Ortese
Progress: 210/415 pages

Snakes and Ladders 2020 - VI

Il cardillo addolorato - Anna Maria Ortese

Doing another roll without having finished the previous book, because why not.




35. Has been adapted as a movie / In a language other than English


Sadly I don't have any books that fit those two criteria (technically there's "La briscola in cinque", but it's less than 200 pages). I'm just going to pick "Il Cardillo Addolorato", and next time I'll just have a single roll.



Also, would it be too late to try and jump on the Booklikes-opoly challenge?